ECE 5160
ECE 5160 - Fast Robots
Grace Zhang
Lab 1: The Artemis Board
Setting up and getting familiar with the Artemis Board
Lab 2: Bluetooth
Establishing communication between the Artemis and the computer via the Bluetooth stack.
Lab 3: Time of Flight Sensors
Setting up and establishing faster communication for the Time of Flight Sensors.
Lab 4: IMU
Setting up and establishing faster communication for the IMU Sensors, running the car!
Lab 5: PWM
Running the car with our own motor drivers.
Lab 6: Closed-Loop Control (PID)
Using PID control to stop a robot before hitting a wall.
Lab 7: Kalman Filter
Implement a Kalman Filter to drive towards the wall even faster without hitting.
Lab 8: Stunts
Make the robot do cool stuff!!!
Lab 9: Mapping
Use the ToF sensor and PID control to spin around and do mapping.
Lab 10: Localization (simulation)
Have the robot figure out where it is :)
Lab 11: Localization (real life)
Have the robot figure out where it is, but now irl!!
Lab 12: Path Planning and Execution!
Robot driving by itself!